OASES trial: Overdrive Atrial SEptum Stimulation in patients with paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation and class 1 and 2 pacemaker indication.
Willem De Voogt *, Philip De Vusser, Chu-Pak Lau°, Arjan van den Bos*** Yuhani Koistinen¨¨, Georges Mairesse^ , Par-Lennart Agren+ and Peter Geelen°° on behalf of the OASES study group.
St Lucas-Andreas*, Amsterdam, Netherlands; ZOL St Jan Genk, Belgium; Queen Mary Hospital°, Hong Kong; Amphia***, Breda , Netherlands; Turku University¨¨, Finland, St Joseph Arlon^, Belgium , Falu Lasarett Sweden, OLV Aalst, Belgium.

This prospective study summarizes the results of atrial overdrive pacing from the Right Atrial Appendage (RAA) and the Low Atrial Septum (LAS) in 170 patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) and block. 85 patients without a history of AF served as a control group. The St. Jude Medical AF suppression algorithm (AFx) was programmed in an on/off crossover design. All were successfully implanted with a Locatorä and a Tendrilä 1388T extendable and retractable screw-in lead in the atrium. Far Field R-wave sensing (FFRW) was excluded by blanking on an individual basis (with a minimum of 125 msec). So preventing an inappropriate mode switch by atrial oversensing of FFRW. A Mode switch verification study was performed in a separate group of 25 patients by comparing the ECG's of 7 day external Holter monitoring with the pacemaker stored Electrograms (Identity™).
AF Burden was defined as "minutes AF per day", dividing the total time in AF by the number of days between two consecutive follow-up intervals. Data were derived from the Automatic Mode Switch histograms of the pacemaker.
In patients on anti-arrhythmic medication with a history of AF and a class 1 or 2 pacemaker indication, a combination of the AF Suppression algorithm with LAS pacing, reduces AF burden significantly (p=0.013).